5 Essentials to Developing a Powerful Social Networking Platform
The internet is flocked with different kinds of social networking portals of all sorts. Clearly there is no evidence or statistics needed to claim that the popularity of such platforms is on a rise. Many businesses too are diverting towards developing social networking platforms dedicated to their products and services. Read this article to understand about the broad steps towards developing a social networking platform that is powerful.
Pick any Tom or Jack from the street; they are sure to have a presence on at least five social networks. Now that is on the lowest side. Some people have accounts on over thirty platforms — all active.
The everyday time that a millennial spends on various networking sites, be it professional, entertainment, community, dating, gaming, or anything else, is on a steep rise. And, the trend is showing no signs of regression or a possibility of it. That explains enough why any ambitious company ought to have a social networking platform, specific to its range of products and services.
No denying either that the competition in almost all the categories and verticals for social networking sites is at its peak. Nonetheless, new startups are coming up now and then and even turning successful. TikTok Story says it all!
The hands of every good social network development company are full for good reasons. All because the virtual world is indeed turning very addictive, and there is no shortage of audiences there.
In this article, let us and break the code behind what are the steps to follow for making a social networking platform that has potential:
1) Understand your community
The first and foremost step is to understand who is going to be your immediate audience. Popular sites like Facebook also started small with a target audience that was university students. So understand, who are the people you want to capture with your platform, and what are the things that entice them? You can run online research or even do some primary data collection and filter the data to arrive at concrete sets of profiles, who are most suited for your networking platform. Also, if your budget allows, you can make a demo site and run a few test-and-learn pilots by taking the help of Online Web Development Community to understand what is working and what is not.
2) Plot growth tactics
Once you have defined your target audience, the next step would be to understand how to capture them and from there how to penetrate the next layer. For that, you will have to design a growth strategy. Try to figure out what are the best platforms to reach out to maximum people. Issues like do you need a mobile app or a web app or both, what are the features and functionalities that the MVP design must-have, etc. need to be dealt in detail
3) UX and UI of the product
Now this one requires in-depth thinking, sophisticated strategizing, and flawless execution. Take advantage of Web Developer Community to understand what the recommended methodologies to achieve the desired result are? More often than not, when you are just starting, it is best to keep it minimal and simple. When the UX and UI are too heavy or flashy, it is difficult for users to understand it better, forget about liking it, getting hooked to it, or recommending it further. The development of your social networking platform ought to be user-centric and deliver an enjoyable experience.
4) Be candid about the budget and platforms to be used for development aspects
So there is the backend, front end, and database — the primary elements of any digital product. Do thorough research with The Social Network Development Company you hire before you finalize on the platform that you would use for these. Along with it, do discuss with your developers about the kind of budget you have for the purpose. Necessarily, a tentative assessment of the magnitude of traffic you are expecting will help you in understanding how to design your database best and what type of server would be most efficient.
5) Promote your social networking platform
The most vital aspect of any business is creating awareness about it. The agenda should be to ensure the maximum spreading of the word with minimum investment. You can choose a mix of traditional and contemporary methods of advertising to arrive at the most convenient marketing mix. It is suggested to study a few case studies of successful ventures before you design and deploy your own promotional tactics.
In Sum:
Social networking platforms are here to stay and perform. As an owner of such a product, what you need to know is how to best capitalize it so that it comes to the advantage of your organization, as well as continues to entertain people. Developing a social network platform takes much more than simple coding and designing because over here, you are dealing directly with people, who are always unpredictable and have changing needs. Hence, make sure your product has adaptability, scalability, and sustainability.